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The Genetic Origin of the Indo-Europeans.


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Haplotype-based inference of recent effective population size in modern and ancient DNA samples.

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HAPNEST: efficient, large-scale generation and evaluation of synthetic datasets for genotypes and phenotypes.

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Wharrie S. et al, (2023), Bioinformatics (Oxford, England), 39

Inference of coalescence times and variant ages using convolutional neural networks.

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Nait Saada J. et al, (2023), Molecular biology and evolution

Cell-free DNA TAPS provides multimodal information for early cancer detection

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Siejka-Zielinska P. et al, (2021), SCIENCE ADVANCES, 7

Genome-Wide Natural Selection Signatures Are Linked to Genetic Risk of Modern Phenotypes in the Japanese Population.

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Yasumizu Y. et al, (2020), Molecular biology and evolution, 37, 1306 - 1316