# Un-pack the tar-ball: tar -xvzf Platypus_0.1.5.tgz # Build pysam first: cd PlatypusRelease/pysam python2.6 setup.py install --prefix=PATH_TO_INSTALL_PLATYPUS_LIBRARIES # Then build Platypus cd PlatypusRelease/ python2.6 setup.py install --prefix=PATH_TO_INSTALL_PLATYPUS_LIBRARIES # To run Platypus, the path you installed the libraries to must be in your $PYTHONPATH environment variable, so you need # to set that: export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:PATH_TO_INSTALL_PLATYPUS_LIBRARIES # The you should be able to run Platypus. It takes BAM and a reference FASTA file as input, and outputs VCF. Each BAM is treated # as a separate sample. Here is an example of how to run Platypus: python2.6 Platypus.py callVariants --bamFiles=LIST_OF_BAMS --refFile=REF.fa --regions=chr20:0-1000000 --output=Calls.vcf You can see a list of all the possible input options by running the following comand: python2.6 Platypus.py callVariants --help