Software to test for genetic association between hosts and pathogens.

The sqlite output format

If you use an output file of one of the following forms:

then HPTEST will output results to a sqlite file instead of a flat file. This has the following behaviour:

Using the sqlite output file programmatically

Data from the sqlite output files can be read directly into analysis programs. For example, suppose you have named the output table Result. Then in R:

library( RSQLite )
db = DBI::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), "myfile.sqlite" )
data = dbGetQuery( db, "SELECT * FROM ResultView LIMIT 100" )

...or if you are using the tidyverse:

library( dplyr )
db = DBI::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), "myfile.sqlite")
results = tbl( db, "ResultView" )

Or it can be loaded in python using pandas:

import pandas
db = sqlite3.connect( "myfile.sqlite" )
    "SELECT * FROM ResultView LIMIT 100" ),

Using the sqlite output file from a web service

Another thing you can do with the sqlite output format is to turn it into a web service. Datasette is an extremely useful tool which turns a sqlite file into a RESTful web service like this:

$ datasette myfile.sqlite

Now you can access the database at http://localhost:8001. This can be used to create web-based visualisations of the results.