Software to test for genetic association between hosts and pathogens.

Getting started with HPTEST

HPTEST tests for association between two sets of genotypes - for example between genotypes of a host and of a pathogen infecting those hosts. To do this, it implements the binomial logistic regression model:


in which is a vector of parameters (the regression coefficients). For each predictor and outcome genetic variant, HPTEST finds the value of that maximises the corresponding likelihood, estimates its standard error (by inspecting the curvature of the likelihood near the maximum) and outputs these along with other summaries to the output file.

By default, HPTEST computes estimates under a weakly informative prior that helps to regularise the estimates (this can be turned off with the -no-prior option.)

For example, the following command:

$ hptest \
-outcome parasite.vcf \
-predictor host.vcf \
-s samples.sample \
-o output.csv

regresses each parasite variant (from parasite.vcf) on each host variant (from host.vcf). The genotype counts, maximum posterior estimates and other quantities are output to the output file (output.csv). Additional options allow you to add covariates (-covariates), to adjust the prior being used (-prior) or remove it entirely (-no-prior), or to filter the list of samples or variants included (e.g. -incl-samples, -excl-samples-where, or -incl-outcome-range) - see the list of options for more.

Obtaining HPTEST

HPTEST is currently included as part of the QCTOOL package, which is currently hosted at code.enkre.net. To obtain it you will need to download and compile the source code (you need QCTOOL version >= 2.1.9 for this). See the download page for more details on obtaining and installing HPTEST.

Running HPTEST

In the most basic form HPTEST is run like this:

hptest -outcome outcome.vcf -predictor predictor.vcf -s samples.sample -o test.csv

where outcome.vcf and predictor.vcf contain genotype calls, and samples.sample contains information on the included samples. All three files must represent the same set of individuals and they must be in the same order in each file. (The -reorder option to QCTOOL can help to set this up).

For each predictor and outcome variant, HPTEST will do the following:

  1. Both sets of genotypes are loaded. HPTEST can interpret both hard-called genotypes (e.g. GT field in a vcf file), and imputed genotype probabilities (e.g. GP field in a vcf file, or a BGEN format file). For outcome genotypes, imputed genotypes are thresholded to produce hard calls - by default any genotypes with probability < 0.9 are treated as missing. For the predictor genotype, HPTEST will sum over the imputed probability distribution as described in technical details.

  2. Genotypes are internally tabulated. Since rare variants are likely not very useful, by default the rest of the analysis is skipped if the count of the minor allele is < 10 in either predictor or outcome genotypes.

  3. Assuming the variants are common enough, HPTEST fits the above binomial logistic regression model to the two genotypes and any specified covariates. When the outcome is haploid, this is the same as a regular logistic regression. If the outcome is diploid or has higher ploidy, this is the same except that the outcome genotypes are treated as arising from multiple independent draws of a alleles with the modelled probability distribution (1).

  4. HPTEST currently assumes predictor genotypes are diploid, and uses a 'general' model for the predictor by default, including both an additive and an overdominance term. Alternative models can be specified using the -model option. Multiple models can also be specified in the same run.

  5. Parameters are estimated under a weak regularising prior by default. Specifically, a prior is applied to the additive effect; this is a lot like a normal distribution with mean 0 and standard deviation around 1.87, but has somewhat fatter tails. The prior can be altered using the -prior option, or turned off entirely using the -no-prior option. By default, both a Bayes factor and an approximate P-value (both computed under assumptions about the asymptotic normality of the likelihood) are output.

  6. If desired, covariates can be included in the analysis using the -covariates option. They are loaded from the sample file. They can be continuous (e.g. a principal component, with type C in the sample file) or discrete (e.g. a population label, with type D in the sample file.)

Interpreting HPTEST output

HPTEST prints a wealth of information to the output file (and/or to a log file specified with the -log option). A basic run looks like this:

$ hptest_v2.1.9 -predictor host.vcf -outcome parasite.vcf -s samples.sample -o test.tsv -covariates discrete1

Welcome to hptest
(version: 2.1.9, revision: 7b2ccee)

(C) 2009-2020 University of Oxford

Loaded data for 2000 samples.
  Predictor data:
                     (not computed)  "host.vcf"
                     (total 1 sources, number of snps not computed).
  Number of samples: 2000

    Outcome data:
                     (not computed)  "parasite.vcf"
                     (total 1 sources, number of snps not computed).
  Number of samples: 2000

Adding covariates...
++ Added covariate: "discrete1":
     missing  levels
     0        0(995) 1(1005)

Models are:
- Model 1 ("null"): BinomialLogistic( 2000 of 2000 samples ): (outcome=1) ~ baseline/outcome=1 + discrete1=1/outcome=1
  with priors:
  discrete1=1/outcome=1 ~ logF( 0.0770407, 0.0770407 ).

- Model 2 ("gen"): BinomialLogistic( 2000 of 2000 samples ): (outcome=1) ~ baseline/outcome=1 + add/outcome=1 + overdominance/outcome=1 + discrete1=1/outcome=1
  with priors:
            add/outcome=1 ~ logF( 2, 2 ).
  overdominance/outcome=1 ~ logF( 4, 4 ).
    discrete1=1/outcome=1 ~ logF( 0.0770407, 0.0770407 ).

Model design for first test:
           outcome   baseline     add overdominance discrete1=1
      0      2   0          1       1             1           1
      1      2   0          1       1             1           1
      2      1   1          1       0             0           1
      3      2   0          1       0             0           1
      4      2   0          1       0             0           1
      5      2   0          1       0             0           1
      6      1   1          1       0             0           0
      7      0   0          1       0             0           1
      8      2   0 ~        1       0             0           1
               .         .       .             .           .
               .         .       .             .           .
               .         .       .             .           .
   1994      2   0          1       0             0           1
   1995      2   0          1       1             1           1
   1996      2   0          1       1             1           1
   1997      2   0          1       0             0           1
   1998      0   0          1       0             0           0
   1999      2   0          1       2             0           1

Testing                                                     :  (10000/?,44.9s,222.7/s)

Thank you for using hptest.

In general it is always worth inspecting this output carefully to check that HPTEST has interpreted your data correctly. In particular, the above output shows that HPTEST has loaded data on 2,000 samples, has included a discrete covariate with no missing data, and is planning to fit a null model and a genotypic model alternative at each pair of variants. As a further diagnostic it also outputs the first and last few rows of the model design (the outcome and predictor levels) for the first test.

The output file looks like this:

$ cat test.tsv 
# Analysis: "hptest analysis"
#  started: 2021-03-28 12:48:00
# Analysis properties:
#   $ hptest(version: 2.1.9, revision: 7b2ccee) (user-supplied)
#   -covariates discrete1 (user-supplied)
#   -o test.tsv (user-supplied)
#   -outcome parasite.vcf (user-supplied)
#   -predictor host.vcf (user-supplied)
#   -s samples.sample (user-supplied)
predictor:alternate_ids predictor:rsid  predictor:chromosome    predictor:position  predictor:alleleA   predictor:alleleB   outcome:alternate_ids   outcome:rsid    outcome:chromosome  outcome:position    outcome:alleleA outcome:alleleB N   missing outcome=0   outcome=1   outcome=2   predictor=0 predictor=1 predictor=2 minimum_outcome_count   minimum_predictor_count minimum_expected_predictor_allele_count minimum_expected_predictor_allele_count_genotype    predictor_info  null:converged  null:iterations null:fit_time   null:ll null:degrees_of_freedom gen:converged   gen:iterations  gen:fit_time    gen:ll  gen:degrees_of_freedom  gen:beta_1:add/outcome=1    gen:beta_2:overdominance/outcome=1  gen:sd_1    gen:sd_2    gen:cov_1,2 gen:log10_bf    gen:prior_mode_1    gen:se_1    gen:pvalue_1    gen:prior_mode_2    gen:se_2    gen:pvalue_2    comment
NA  H1  H1  1   A   G   NA  P1  P1  1   C   T   1998    2   1805    188 5   1351    570 77  198 724 20  outcome=1/predictor=1   1   1   5   0.0000  -787.892    0   1   7   0.0000  -757.823    2   -1.60157    0.219057    0.581235    0.59473 -0.318002   12.9939 0   0.453919    0.00041819  0   0.449276    0.625848    NA
NA  H1  H1  1   A   G   NA  P2  P1  2   C   T   2000    0   1501    464 35  1353    570 77  534 0   175 outcome=1/predictor=1   1   1   4   0.0100  -1571.85    0   1   4   0.0000  -1570.6 2   -0.163177   0.0487432   0.133177    0.159307    -0.0160542  -0.51645    0   0.131615    0.215046    0   0.156866    0.756005    NA
NA  H1  H1  1   A   G   NA  P3  P1  3   C   T   1999    1   1347    595 57  1352    570 77  709 0   271 outcome=1/predictor=1   1   1   4   0.0000  -1868.36    0   1   4   0.0000  -1867.71    2   0.108302    -0.0544743  0.101935    0.127023    -0.00904929 -0.955588   0   0.101268    0.284863    0   0.125833    0.66508 NA
NA  H100    H1  100 A   G   NA  P99 P1  99  C   T   2000    0   1959    40  1   1991    9   0   42  0   0   outcome=1/predictor=1   1   1   7   0.0000  -233.146    0   1   7   0.0000  -233.11 2   -0.258997   -0.128958   1.28596 0.954733    -0.187642   0.897732    0   0.523405    0.620719    0   0.258434    0.617781    NA
NA  H100    H1  100 A   G   NA  P100    P1  100 C   T   2000    0   1523    451 26  1991    9   0   503 0   2   outcome=1/predictor=1   1   1   4   0.0000  -1512.89    0   1   4   0.0000  -1512.87    2   -0.0798289  -0.0398986  0.935746    0.848044    -0.56311    0.552519    0   0.419414    0.849047    0   0.209456    0.848928    NA
# Completed successfully at 2021-03-28 12:48:38

In the output file, HPTEST first outputs metadata sufficient to figure out what command generated this file, a (long!) row of column names, and then the results for each pair of predictor and outcome variants. The last line shows that HPTEST successfully completed the job.

See the page on interpreting HPTEST output for more information on interpreting the output.

Additional features

HPTEST includes a number of features to make it easy to run: