The landscape of recombination in African Americans

This webpage provides additional material associated with "Hinch et al. The landscape of recombination in African Americans. Nature" available here.

Genetic map

The African American Map (AA map) is available for the autosomes and X chromosome in Build 36. Please click here to download.

The genetic map for each chromosome is in a separate file within the archive. The first column is the physical position in build 36 and the second column is the genetic distance between the beginning of the chromosome and this position.

Please be advised that genetic distances in regions within ~5 Mb of the ends of SNP coverage on each chromosome are likely to be underestimates. Analyses in the paper exclude these regions.

MCMC samples of the genetic map, providing estimates of uncertainty

The AA map has been estimated using an MCMC algorithm with Gibbs sampling. Thus, users who are interested in not only the best estimate of the genetic distance between two markers, but also the uncertainty of the genetic distance between those markers, can use MCMC samples to study the uncertainty.

Here we provide 100 sampled maps from 6 chains with random starting points. The first column in each file is the physical position in build 36 and columns 2-101 are samples for the corresponding positions. The sample in row i and column j is a sampled genetic distance between the physical position in row i and the physical position in row i-1.

Maps in Build 37

Shop Mallick has kindly lifted over seven human genetic maps to build 37: African American map, deCODE, the population-averaged LD-based map, YRI and CEU LD-based maps, and the African-enriched and Shared genetic maps. Please click here to download.  
