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Ryan Schenck


DPhil Student in Genomic Medicine and Statistics

About Me

I am currently an international DPhil (Oxford’s PhD) student in Genomic Medicine and Statistics at the University of Oxford jointly funded by the Wellcome Trust and the Clarendon Fund. I obtained my masters of science from the University of South Florida in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology after studying molecular and cellular biology at the University of Arizona.

I am currently exploring how homeostatic tissues constrain somatic evolution and protect against carcinogenesis. This work is taken jointly between Dr. Simon Leedham's research group and the Integrated Mathematical Oncology department at Moffitt Cancer Center with Dr. Alexander (Sandy) Anderson. I’m passionate about applying my skills to integrate the genomic and experimentalist approaches into mechanistic, mathematical modeling. The University of Oxford, specifically the Wellcome Centre for Human Genetics is uniquely poised to offer this interdisciplinary endeavor. For the most up to date information about me, please check my personal website which houses a regularly updated curriculum vitae, my GitHub for some code repositories, and my google scholar for all publications.


Please visit google scholar or my ORCID profile to view publications.